What is a Vessel Response Plan?« Back to Previous Page

Posted by seawizard
Asked on June 2, 2021 12:42 am

It is a document which outlines what a vessel will do in case of an oil spill. VRP is required by USCG for vessels operating in US waters carrying certain quantities of chemical and/or refined petroleum products
It includes information about the vessel such as Name and particulars.contact information for the vessel’s owner or operator, a list of zones that the vessel intends to operate in, and the clear identification of the incident management team – the people or group who is to be notified in the event of a spill. The identification contact will include the identity of who is to be notified, how to most efficiently reach them, and secondary communication effort instructions that should be used if the first contact is unreachable. Additionally, the VRP will contain information about the vessel’s chosen insurance company.
The contents of VRP will differ depending on what type of vessel you operate, the size of the vessel, and how much oil is on board.

Posted by seawizard
Answered on June 2, 2021 12:42 am