What does "Good Time" in Colreg Rule 8 "Action to Avoid Collision" paragraph c means?« Back to Previous Page

What does "Good Time" in Colreg Rule 8 "Action to Avoid Collision" paragraph c means?
Posted by Rajat
Asked on August 11, 2020 11:55 pm

Good time means ‘early’. There is no specific time at which good time begins. It’ll depend on a particular situation. Manoeuvres taken to avoid a close-quarters situation should be taken at a time when the responsible officer does not have to make a quick decision or a decision based on inadequate information. We can say that if a vessel fails to take action in good time, she may find herself in a close-quarters situation. This paragraph does not say that action is to be taken in good time to avoid a collision.

Posted by marinetales
Answered on May 19, 2021 1:27 pm