What are the precautions while handling a heavy lift?« Back to Previous Page

Posted by marinetales
Asked on May 26, 2021 4:26 pm

Following precautions need to be taken while handling a heavy lift -

1. Vessel should have adequate stability and the Free surface effect (FSE) needs to be reduced to minimum
2. Careful inspection for the lifting gear shall be made. SWL of wires, shackles, blocks and slings shall be carefully examined
3. Moorings to be taught and fenders to be rigged and gangway shall be lifted
4. Deck area to be clear of obstructions and well lit. Heavy bearers and dunnage laid to accept the cargo and spread the load density evenly
5. Ship side rails to be lowered and removed
6. All head of departments shall be made aware prior commencing the lift
7. Proper communication shall be maintained at all times
8. Persons to be made clear
9. Detailed risk assessment shall be carried out prior commencing the lift
10. Ship's capacity plans to be checked to ensure that the deck space is capable of supporting the weight

Posted by marinetales
Answered on May 26, 2021 11:31 pm