What are the precautions for carrying Refrigerated containers or reefer containers?« Back to Previous Page

Posted by marinetales
Asked on May 26, 2021 7:20 pm

Following precautions need to be taken while handling Reefer containers -

1. Check the plug points and working and sufficient spares are carried on board
2. A reefer manifest to be obtained from shore and details of the stowage shall be confirmed by the responsible officer and electrical officer
3. Excess number of reefers on multiple socket connections must not be carried
4. Gantry operator shall be aware of the position of reefer machinery and the plug point as the container cannot be turned around later
5. On loading, plug in the reefer and check whether it is working
6. Check the temperature reading and compare it with the set temperature as mentioned in the manifest Container shall be refused if the difference is too large
7. Check the temperature charts/records and check for any difference between the actual temperature and that being recorded
8. Check the ventilator settings , if all OK then accept the container
9. Once container is onboard lash it properly
10. Prior sailing a detailed list of the reefers to be prepared stating their location and temperature settings
11. On failure of any reefer container, the Master should inform the owners and the charterers

Posted by marinetales
Answered on May 26, 2021 7:33 pm