How will you carry out search operation as an On Scene Commander (OSC)?« Back to Previous Page
The OSC should obtain a search action plan from the SMC via the RCC or RSC as soon as possible. Normally, search planning is performed using trained personnel, advanced search planning techniques, and information about the incident or distressed craft not normally available to the OSC. However, the OSC may still need to plan a search under some circumstances. Search operations should commence as soon as facilities are available at the scene. If a search plan has not been provided by the SMC, the OSC should do the planning until an SMC assumes the search planning function. On assuming the duty, the OSC should inform the appropriate CRS or ATS unit and keep it informed of developments at regular intervals. The OSC should keep the SMC informed at regular intervals and whenever the situation has changed. OSC should be conducting the search and may modify it. |